3DO Digital Download
Follow up review. The collection is not 100% complete, but pretty close. It's got all the games and most everything you'd want. What I love, is the fact, that it's all conveniently packed in very fast downloadable files. The modest price is worth every cent being able to have such a HUGE collection in just hours instead of the days/weeks it would take to track down & download each piece of software individually. This is a great service and perfectly priced for any retro gamer......even those on a budget! :)
[5 of 5 Stars!]

Are you kidding me???? The full 3D0 collection for $20???? SOLD!!! Unfortunately, the emulators for the 3DO are spotty at best. Most games play fine. But this is what I do. Burn the ISO image to a CD and play it on my real 3DO system!! PERFECTION! I love this site and I want to buy EVERTHING!!!!
[5 of 5 Stars!]

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